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Company History |
April 2006:The company succeeded in developing “WT5” WLAN Chip, which realized several algorithms including WAPI by hardware encryption and make great progress in chipset performance.
February 2006:“WT4” WLAN Chip began to manufacture.
December 2005:The company was identified as Beijing R&D institute in Science and Technology by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission.
July 2005: WT4 passed the test organized by China Electronic Standardization Institute,which symbolized that WT4 had attained to GB15629.11-2003 and GB15629.1102-2003 standards。
January 2005:The company succeeded in developing “WT4” WLAN Chip, which supports WAPI and is compatible with IEEE802.11a/b/g/i.
September 2004:The company passed ISO9001:2000.
April 2004:The company was identified as sentinel manufacturer for national business password by National Passwords Administration and obtained qualification of sales permit for business password products.
February 2004:The company succeeded in developing WT2, which was made up of baseband processor and MAC. It can adapt to changes of MAC protocols and support several encryption algorithm update including WAPI.
December 2003:SSX25, a safety chipset for WLAN was funded by National Password Administration.
October 2003: Successfully launched “L503” and get wide applications.
September 2003:The company hold a press conference and declared that“WT1” WLAN Chip, a first Chinese chipset in WLAN, had made success.
August 2003: IEEE 802.11b baseband chip passed the technical production test organized by the National Information Industry Department
July 2003:The project “Chipset development for multi-mode WWAN and WLAN” was funded by the National High-Tech R&D Project (863 Project) of the National Science and Technology Department
March 2002:Succeeded in developing the world-first analyzer for the third generation W-CDMA and commercialize it in Japan.
May 2001:The company signed an agreement about LSI design with SONY Corp. in Beijng.
February 2001:The company was founded in Zhongguancun.